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Setting and Hitting Goals Part 5 - Ensuring Goals Are Relevant

A girl running to meet her goals.

By David Drinks

Welcome back for part five of this series on Setting and Hitting Goals!

If you are joining me now, be sure to go back and check out the first four parts here:

If you have made it this far, you have identified your 2024 goal(s). Your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Action-Oriented.

As we continue to walk through this SMART goal-setting framework, you will notice it is simple but very effective. It takes little time and effort to identify specific goals, figure out how to measure progress, and set clear action steps to get you started.

However, it does require more time and effort than most people put into thinking about their goals. That is why so many lose sight of their "New Year's resolutions" and fail around this time of year. They never took the time to set themselves up for success from the start.

But I promise you, if you take the requisite time to run your goal through this framework, you will likely achieve it this year.

So, if January did not go as planned, or you feel yourself slipping on your intentions for this year already, take heart. You can start fresh right now and still accomplish amazing things this year!

There is nothing magical about January 1. You do not have to wait until next year to start over! Just pretend that February 1 is another chance to start fresh and use it to reset.

It all starts with writing your goal in detail within the SMART goal framework.

With that, let's take the next step today - ensuring your goals are Relevant.

No, I am not concerned if your goals are relevant to the current culture. Instead, I'm talking about ensuring your goals are relevant to your life, vision, mission, values, and current circumstances.

This step in the goal-setting process is a great checkpoint to prevent you from putting a ton of time and effort into something that ultimately does not matter or will not fulfill your life vision, mission, and purpose.

It also ensures you do not feel like you are banging your head against the wall by attempting a goal that does not align with your current life circumstances.

For example, say you have a goal to run a marathon (or a 5k if you are just getting started running). The only problem with this goal is that you also just had a baby!


But can you see how your life circumstances may not align with this goal? I know from experience with a 5-year-old and 2-year-old currently at home that the first year of having a new baby is not the time to set big training goals like running a marathon!

That does not mean this goal can never happen, but it is irrelevant now. There are better times to prioritize it.

Likewise, you may have a goal that is incongruent with your values. For example, you prioritize being present for your family, but you also have set a goal to pursue a high-stress career that forces you to travel constantly.

If you throw yourself into this career goal, you are, by definition, moving against your core values. The outcome is not a positive pursuit of your dream but rather stress, burnout, and constant tension.

Can you see how crucial it is to have goals relevant to your current circumstances, values, mission, and vision?

These factors are also not static. They are constantly shifting with changes in life circumstances and experiences. So, re-evaluate all these factors when setting your goals to ensure you set relevant goals.

Without this step, the pursuit of your goal will feel like an uphill battle, likely ending in an unsatisfying way.

But, when your goals align with your vision for where you want to end up 5-10 years from now, the life purpose you feel driven to fulfill, and your current values and circumstances, you have traction.

Traction leads to accelerated success in your goals. You rarely slip or take steps backward. Instead, you steadily march toward your goal!

So, here are some action steps for today:

  1. If you have not thought about a vision for your life lately, do it now. Where do you see yourself one year from today? How about five or ten years from today? Once you have this clearly defined, setting the right goals is much easier.

  2. What mission or purpose do you feel driven to pursue? For some, it may be a faith-based mission (a calling, if you will). But, it could also be a mission to help people solve problems through your work. Or a mission to raise children the best you can. Or a mission to be a fantastic grandparent. Or a mission to serve your community through volunteer efforts. Whatever purpose you are serving with your life, are your goals in alignment with that mission? Are they helping you to pursue it at your best or hindering you?

  3. What are your core values? What principles do you operate by and hold to be true? What things do you place the most importance on in your life?

  4. What are your current circumstances? Are your goals congruent or cross-purpose with those circumstances?

If you want to experience traction and positive momentum in pursuing your goals instead of feeling like you are banging your head against the wall, then this step is vital!

Setting specific goals that are measurable and actionable works only if your goals are relevant.

You are in alignment once you ensure your goals are relevant to your life vision, mission, values, and current circumstances.

You will experience traction that accelerates you toward your goals!

Alright. You now have identified a specific goal that is measurable, achievable, and action-oriented! Today, we have taken the time to ensure it is relevant to your current life. 

Now, we have just one step left to finalize your SMART goals. I'll be back next week to help you finish your goal-setting coaching for 2024 and send you off on your journey toward success!


P.S. If you identify a health and fitness goal as one of your top priorities this year, we want to help! 

One of our expert fitness coaches will sit down with you to walk you through our SMART goal-setting system, help you identify the path to success, and design your ideal exercise and nutrition plan.

Contact us here to schedule a free consultation!

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